How to calibrate color on Apple TVSource: Christopher Close / iMore

Apple's latest tvOS feature, Color balance, makes color calibration incredibly easy on Apple TV. With just a few clicks on the Siri remote and using your iPhone to quickly measure, movies, Apple TV + shows and Apple Arcade games will look better than ever. The best part is that it works on the best Apple TV models - Apple TV 4K and Apple TV HD, so you won't miss it if you run an older set-top box. Here's how to calibrate the color on your Apple TV!

How to calibrate the color on your Apple TV with your iPhone

Using the new color balance function is quick and easy, but before you get started, there are a few things you need to know. Color balance requires an iPhone that supports Face ID and must be running iOS 14.5 or later. Also, for best results, Apple recommends that you set the TV's picture mode to one that is not too bright or one with very saturated colors.

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  1. Open settings on Apple TV.
  2. Click Video and audio.

    How to calibrate the color on your Apple TV with your iPhone by showing the steps: Open Settings, Click Video and Audio

    Source: iMore

  3. Click Color balance.
  4. When the Balance Balance prompt appears, hold the iPhone next to your TV.

    How to calibrate the color on your Apple TV with your iPhone by showing the steps: Click Balance Color, when the Balance Balance prompt appears, hold the iPhone next to the TV

    Source: iMore

  5. When the Color Balance message appears on the iPhone, tap Keep going.
    • If you don't see the iPhone prompt, lock your phone, and then unlock it again.
  6. Come back iPhone so that the front camera is facing the TV.

    How to calibrate the color on the Apple TV with your iPhone by showing the steps: Click Continue on the Balance Color prompt on the iPhone, Rotate the iPhone so that the front camera is facing the TV

    Source: iMore

  7. Position iPhone so as to fit into the contour of the TV.
    • The color balancing process will start automatically when your iPhone is in the correct position.
  8. Keep going keep Your iPhone in the outline of the screen until the measurement is complete.

    How to calibrate the color on your Apple TV with your iPhone by showing the steps: Turn the iPhone so that the front camera is facing the TV and fits inside the box on the screen, continue to hold until the measurement is complete

    Source: iMore

  9. Click See results.
  10. Click Use balanced save.

    How to calibrate the color on your Apple TV with your iPhone by showing the steps: Open Settings, Click View Results, Swipe left or right to preview the changes, and then click your favorite view to save

    Source: iMore

How to review color calibration results

After calibration, you can review the results at any time by accessing the color balance portion of the settings application. With this option, you will see the same comparative view in the calibration process and you can swipe back and forth to review the changes. Selecting a view will set the color for the Apple TV accordingly.

  1. Open settings on Apple TV.
  2. Click Video and audio.

    How to review the color calibration results on Apple TV by showing the steps: Open Settings, Click Video and Audio

    Source: iMore

  3. Click Color balance.
  4. Click See results.

    How to review the color calibration results on Apple TV by showing the steps: Click Color Balance, click View Results

    Source: iMore

  5. Swipe left or right to see the changes, then click your favorite. view save.

    How to preview color calibration results on Apple TV by showing the steps: drag to preview the results, click to select

    Source: iMore

How to reset the color calibration

If you're not happy with the color calibration results or want to start over, you can do so through settings. Using the reset option, Apple TV will return to the factory defaults and you can perform a new calibration if you wish.

  1. Open settings on Apple TV.
  2. Click Video and audio.

    How to reset color calibration on Apple TV by showing the steps: Open Settings, click Video and audio

    Source: iMore

  3. Click Color balance.
  4. Click Reset.

    How to reset color calibration on Apple TV by showing the steps: Click Color Balance, click Reset

    Source: iMore

That's all there is to it! After calibration, your Apple TV will automatically display the perfect colors for your TV, so your movies and shows will look their best at all times. You will no longer have to suffer by navigating the naughty menu system of the TV or by paying a professional for calibration. Even if you don't like the results, you can switch at any time with just a few clicks, so it's definitely worth a try.


Questions about using the Balance Color feature on Apple TV? How were your results? Tell us in the comments below!

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Eve Systems announced the launch on Tuesday of the fourth generation smart plug-in EveKit, compatible with HomeKit. The latest Eve Energy smart card now supports Thread wireless networking technology when paired with a HomeKit with a HomePod mini or the future Apple TV 4K.

"Packing the functionality of the Thread router in a premium, low-quality smart plug, Eve Energy is the quintessential HomeKit accessory," said Jerome Gackel, CEO of Eve Systems. "Not only does it offer endless possibilities for automation, but it also offers an ultra-robust network to make sure your programs and timers work, anytime, anywhere."

The fourth-generation Eve Energy update has the same slim, single-socket design as the previous model, one of the best smart sockets available for the HomeKit. The compact frame allows the use of two Eve Energy sockets on a standard North American socket, and a button on the device makes it easy to switch without having to reach the iPhone. Eve Energy also offers energy monitoring capabilities to track consumption with estimated costs and historical data.

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Thread technology allows for increased reliability, faster responses, and an extended range of Bluetooth, which the previous generation Eve Energy used for the HomeKit connection. During the HomeKit pairing process, Eve Energy will automatically switch to Bluetooth Thread with no additional steps or user actions if the HomePod mini or new Apple TV 4K is available. Users can review their Thread network through the Eve for HomeKit app, which provides connection quality and routes for all Thread accessories, including those from other vendors.

The Eve Energy update joins a handful of other threaded Eve accessories, including the Eve door and window sensor Eve, the Eve Weather outdoor temperature sensor, the Eve Light switch (European version) and our top pick for the best HomeKit sprinkler controllers , Eve Aqua.

The fourth generation Eve Energy is now available through the Eve online store at for $ 39.95. The updated plug will be available soon on and Amazon.

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Edn Smallgarden Review HeroSursa: Christopher Close / iMore

Fiind o persoană a cărei muncă constă în principal în acoperirea HomeKit-ului și a produselor inteligente pentru casă, nu m-am gândit niciodată că o grădină va apărea vreodată pe radarul meu. Sigur, știam că grădinile inteligente erau un lucru și le luasem în considerare înainte, deoarece îmi lipsește un deget verde. Cu toate acestea, având în vedere categoriile de accesorii HomeKit limitate ale Apple și cerințele stricte, am presupus că nu vor fi niciodată potrivite pentru platforma mea la alegere.

Inutil să spun că am fost plăcut surprins când am dat peste ēdn SmallGarden în timp ce parcurgeam magazinul online Apple la sfârșitul anului trecut. Din senin, a apărut în liniște o grădină compatibilă HomeKit - evocând gânduri de a-i verifica nivelul apei cu Siri și de a-și controla luminile prin intermediul aplicației Home, așa că a trebuit să o am. Deși grădina nu este atât de inteligentă pe cât mi-am imaginat inițial și, chiar dacă are o parte echitabilă de ciudățenii, nu regret insta-buy. Să ne scufundăm în recenzia ēdn SmallGarden.

Oferte VPN: licență pe viață pentru 16 USD, planuri lunare la 1 USD și mai mult

Edn SmallGarden

ēdn SmallGarden

Linia de fund: Pentru cei cărora le lipsește un deget verde și trebuie să aibă HomeKit în toate lucrurile, ēdn SmallGarden face grădinăritul cât mai aproape de o experiență hands-free.


  • Design modern
  • Îndrumări pentru aplicații
  • Funcționează cu HomeKit


  • Scump
  • Ciudățenii de aplicație și iluminat
  • Lipseste sticla
  • Controalele HomeKit sunt limitate

ēdn SmallGarden: Preț și disponibilitate

Ambalaje pentru grădini mici Edn

Sursa: Christopher Close / iMore

Ēdn SmallGarden este disponibil în prezent online, prin și, din moment ce acceptă HomeKit, prin Setul de bază ēdn SmallGarden se vinde cu 199,95 USD și include tot ce aveți nevoie pentru a crește, inclusiv un set de zece semințe de busuioc.

Soiuri suplimentare SeedPod și un pod personalizat fără semințe sunt, de asemenea, disponibile prin ēdn pentru 29,00 USD. ēdn oferă, de asemenea, un serviciu de abonament SeedPod care vă trimite automat o opțiune la alegere atunci când podurile dvs. actuale ajung la sfârșitul ciclului lor de viață la un preț redus de 20 USD.

ēdn SmallGarden: Ce imi place

Componente Edn Smallgarden Review

Sursa: Christopher Close / iMore

Ēdn SmallGarden are un design modern și elegant, cu o frumoasă bază din lemn de nuc, accente din plastic negru și o gamă de iluminat fixă ​​din aluminiu care se află deasupra zonei SeedPod. Grădina poate suporta zece SeedPod-uri la un moment dat, dar întregul pachet este surprinzător de subțire și compact, cu o înălțime de 11 inci și o lățime de 16 inci, în ciuda numărului mare. Completarea designului este un singur buton pentru comutarea manuală a luminilor și un indicator LED de stare, oferind totul un aspect curat.

Configurarea ēdn SmallGarden este rapidă, ușoară și, mai important, fără mizerie, ceea ce îmi place. Cea mai mare parte a lucrării constă în introducerea SeedPods în cupe pe care le introduceți în tava de bază detașabilă, introducerea senzorului de apă, conectarea bazei și descărcarea aplicației iOS ēdn. Îmi place modul în care nu există alimente vegetale de adăugat cu SeedPods, deoarece includ substanțe nutritive care eliberează în timp și modul în care păstăile se așează în cupe separate, care le păstrează totul frumos și ordonat.

Rezultatele recenziei Edn Smallgarden

Sursa: Christopher Close / iMore

La conectarea la ēdn SmallGarden, sistemul de iluminare cu LED vă întâmpină cu un efect de fade-in delicat. Înainte de a dezlega cutia de unități, am presupus că lumina va fi doar aprinsă și oprită și va fi controlată, așa că am fost încântat să văd că are și o diminuare. Îmi place, de asemenea, modul în care lumina grădinii sorbe puterea, depășind în jur de 12 wați la nivelurile maxime de luminozitate, aproape de un bec tipic cu LED.

Adăugarea de apă la ēdn SmallGarden este simplă, rezervorul fiind parțial deschis și îndepărtat de partea SeedPods. Pentru a porni SeedPod-urile corect, umpleți rezervorul la aproximativ 75% (32 uncii) și, în majoritatea cazurilor, va trebui să îl completați aproximativ la fiecare două până la două săptămâni. LED-ul mic de pe partea grădinii își schimbă culoarea în funcție de cantitatea de apă din rezervor, roșu indicând 25% plin și verde reprezentând 100%.

Edn Smallgarden Edn App

Sursa: iMore

Îmi place să citesc despre diversele repere și cum aplicația vă oferă o indicație clară a momentului în care trebuie să luați măsuri cu planta dvs.

După plantarea inițială, cea mai mare parte a timpului dvs. cu plantele dvs. se învârte în jurul interacțiunii cu aplicația ēdn. Aplicația lui ēdn este ușor de navigat, cu ecrane și setări minime. Împreună cu comenzile de iluminare, furnizează măsurători și programări cruciale ale nivelului apei. Configurarea unui program durează doar câteva atingeri și este ușor să faceți ajustări după aceea, deși nu aș putea urmări o modalitate de a șterge complet programul.

Deoarece sunt în esență un începător complet în domeniul grădinăritului, apreciez modul în care aplicația ēdn oferă o defalcare a ciclului de viață al plantelor dvs. Îmi place să citesc despre diversele repere și cum aplicația vă oferă o indicație clară a momentului în care trebuie să luați măsuri cu planta dvs. Fără aplicație, nu aș ști când aș putea să-mi recoltez plantele sau când trebuie să le prind, așa că îmi face plăcere să o deschid din când în când pentru a verifica lucrurile.

Pictograma aplicației Edn Smallgarden

aplicația ēdn

Aplicația ēdn pentru iOS vă permite să monitorizați și să controlați iluminatul pentru SmallGarden de oriunde din lume.

Aplicația Edn Smallgarden Home

Sursa: iMore

Desigur, principalul apel pentru mine cu ēdn SmallGarden este compatibilitatea HomeKit. Prin intermediul aplicației Home, ēdn SmallGarden apare la fel ca cele mai bune becuri HomeKit care îmi plac destul de mult - ceea ce înseamnă că le puteți porni și opri cu o atingere sau puteți striga prin Siri și puteți face ajustări de luminozitate incrementale.

De asemenea, puteți automatiza ēdn SmallGarden și îl puteți folosi în scene, astfel încât să funcționeze în tandem cu majoritatea celor mai bune accesorii HomeKit. Întrucât prefer să folosesc aplicația Home cât mai mult posibil pentru nevoile mele inteligente de casă, îmi place cum aș putea integra programul grădinii pentru a porni și dezactiva rutina zilnică a gospodăriei mele. Din păcate, senzorul de apă din grădină nu este disponibil în HomeKit, deci nu puteți configura notificări sau vizualiza niveluri prin intermediul aplicației Apple.

ēdn SmallGarden: Ce nu-mi place

Edn Smallgarden Review Watering

Sursa: Christopher Close / iMore

Ca cineva care testează multe HomeKit și accesorii inteligente pentru casă, îmi petrec destul de mult timp cu aplicațiile buggy de la producătorii de accesorii - iar aplicația ēdn este mai mult la fel. O problemă este că aplicația trimite notificări care indică faptul că plantele mele de busuioc au acum 15 zile de mai multe ori după a 15-a zi. Este ciudat ca aplicația să trimită același mesaj la trei, patru sau chiar până la șapte zile după fapt.

Notificările privind nivelul apei au fost, de asemenea, destul de eronate și confuze. În timp ce aplicația ēdn ar trebui să vă trimită mesaje care să vă anunțe când apa este goală, aplicația aparent le trimite indiferent de nivelul apei. În mod frecvent, voi deschide aplicația ēdn după ce primesc această notificare numai pentru a vedea că aplicația raportează că nivelul apei este la 50%, 75% sau 100% plin, ceea ce mă duce la prima mea reclamație hardware - lipsa unei priveliști sticlă.

Edn Smallgarden Review Led

Sursa: Christopher Close / iMore

Deoarece nu există nicio modalitate de a vedea în interiorul ēdn SmallGarden fără a îndepărta fizic partea de sus, udarea poate fi oarecum un crapshoot - mai ales atunci când aplicația raportează două lucruri diferite. Acum, indicatorul luminos LED din grădină ar trebui să ajutați la acest lucru, dar amplasarea LED-ului pe partea opusă a rezervorului de apă face dificilă atenția la turnarea apei în grădină fără vărsare. LED-ul se actualizează, de asemenea, numai atunci când atinge anumite praguri, astfel încât s-ar putea să ajungeți să udați prea mult, așteptând ca lumina să schimbe starea.

Cu toate acestea, pentru un sistem de grădinărit care se bazează pe iluminat pentru a promova creșterea, sistemul de lumină ar trebui să fie solid ca o piatră - ceea ce nu este.

Vorbind despre LED-uri, văd, de asemenea, accese din sistemul de lumină al SmallGarden care se opresc la întâmplare. În unele zile, luminile se vor stinge de una sau două ori pe tot parcursul zilei, în timp ce altele o vor vedea stingându-se la fiecare cinci până la zece minute. Din fericire, aceste atacuri nu sunt o normă, deoarece văd zilele în care luminile funcționează corect cel mai adesea. Cu toate acestea, pentru un sistem de grădinărit care se bazează pe iluminat pentru a promova creșterea, sistemele de lumină ar trebui să fie solide ca roca - ceea ce nu este.

În cele din urmă, deși am avut succes cu creșterea păstăilor de busuioc, a fost doar după ce am eșuat lamentabil cu păstăile inițiale care au venit în cutie. Nu pot spune cu siguranță ce a mers prost la prima mea încercare, dar opt din cele zece păstăi nu au reușit să încolțească, iar cele două plante care au crescut au murit destul de repede. Din păcate, echipa ēdn a răspuns într-o zi la solicitările mele de asistență - oferind sugestii utile și, în cele din urmă, trimițând un nou set de poduri, astfel încât să pot începe din nou, ceea ce a făcut trucul.

ēdn SmallGarden: Competitia

Tundere de bază Aerogarden Bounty

Sursa: AeroGarden

Deși nu este încă o bază de uz casnic, grădinile interioare devin din ce în ce mai populare datorită comenzilor convenabile și a întreținerii reduse. Există destul de multe opțiuni din care puteți alege astăzi, dintre care unele includ funcții precum comenzile Alexa sau Google Home și altele care o simplifică fără a fi nevoie de o aplicație. Cu toate acestea, când vine vorba de compatibilitatea HomeKit, ēdn SmallGarden este numai grădină interioară până în prezent care acceptă platforma Apple.

Opțiunile populare includ Click and Grow Smart Indoor Garden Pro și diverse modele din linia AeroGarden Bounty and Family. Ambii concurenți au un set de caracteristici similar cu ēdn SmallGarden, incluzând lumina de sus, iluminatul cu LED-uri, plantele și, bineînțeles, comenzile aplicației prin Bluetooth sau Wi-Fi.

Spre deosebire de ēdn SmallGarden, Click and Grow Pro acceptă doar nouă păstăi și costă cu 50 de dolari mai mult, dar îl compensează cu un senzor de apă plutitor pe dispozitiv. Linia AeroGarden include sisteme de blat și modele independente mai mari, care pot crește plante mai mari, dar, cu cât este mai mare dimensiunea, cu atât este mai mare prețul.

ēdn SmallGarden: Ar trebui să-l cumperi?

Edn Smallgarden Recenzie Tundere

Sursa: Christopher Close / iMore

Ar trebui să cumpărați asta dacă ...

  • Nu ai un deget verde
  • Vrei o grădină interioară elegantă
  • Vrei o grădină interioară cu HomeKit

Nu ar trebui să cumperi asta dacă ...

  • Vrei o grădină interioară la prețuri accesibile
  • Nu vrei să te încurci cu o aplicație
  • Doriți alerte de apă și multe altele prin HomeKit

Dacă nu aveți un deget verde și doriți ceva ce puteți gestiona în interior, ēdn SmallGarden ar putea fi pentru dvs. Grădina elegantă și dimensiunile compacte ale lui ēdn nu arată din loc în interior și nu necesită o călătorie în aer liber pentru a ține pasul cu udarea cu ajutorul aplicației și a comenzilor HomeKit. Confortul vine la un preț, totuși, cu o etichetă de preț de 200 USD și, deși este plăcut să aveți, caracteristicile HomeKit sunt limitate, lăsând alerte de apă și multe altele disponibile numai prin intermediul aplicației ēdn.

din 5

La sfârșitul zilei, ēdn SmallGarden - deși este incredibil de convingător, nu oferă o experiență de grădinărit cu adevărat fără probleme, cu problemele sale hardware și software. Lipsa de ochelari de vedere pe dispozitiv, ciudățenii cu iluminarea și notificările nesigure ale nivelului apei fac din grădină una pe care aș recomanda-o doar dacă sunteți neîncetat să aveți o opțiune compatibilă HomeKit - mai ales cu prețul său scump.

Edn SmallGarden

ēdn SmallGarden

Linia de fund: În timp ce face grădinăritul fără probleme și fără mizerie, problemele hardware și software ale lui ēdn SmallGarden împiedică experiența generală.

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Sony Xav Ax8000 car stereo with menu displayed in a carSource: SONY ELECTRONICS INC

The best
Bluetooth car stereo

While the best Bluetooth car kits are a quick way to add streaming features to your car, nothing beats the convenience of baking it into your real stereo. The best Bluetooth car stereos allow you to drop cables while playing your favorite songs, and some even include support for Apple CarPlay's incredibly sleek iPhone technology. The JVC KW-V66BT is the perfect combination of features and price, with a large touch screen, CarPlay and of course Bluetooth. If you are ready to go the replacement route, these are the best Bluetooth car stereos on the market.

Best general: JVC KW-V66BT Apple CarPlay Android Auto DVD / CD Player

Jvc Kw V66bt car stereo with Apple CarPlay display

Source: JVCKENWOOD Corporation

The JVC's KV-V66BT dual car stereo has a 6.8-inch capacitive touch screen that makes navigation quick and easy. The KW-V66BT supports CarPlay and Android Auto, so you can access popular apps and services like Apple Music, Google Maps, iHeartRadio, Waze, and more, all through familiar interfaces. If your apps don't belong to you, the KW-V66bt also plays old-school DVDs and CDs - a feature that's hard to find with modern touchscreen stereos.

For audio, the KW-V66BT provides 50 watts on four channels with a 13-band equalizer to suit the songs to your liking. You can also take personalization further with a unique time-aligning feature that optimizes sound by dialing delays depending on the location of the car speakers.


  • 6.8-inch touch screen display
  • Lots of rear ports
  • Play DVDs and CDs
  • Supports CarPlay and Android Auto


  • Only size from from
  • No CarPlay Wireless and Android Auto

The best general

Car stereo Jvc Kw V66bt

JVC KW-V66BT Apple CarPlay Android Auto DVD / CD Player

Best for most

The JVC KW-V66BT combines all the essentials with a large touch screen and lots of extra elements like CarPlay at a great price.

Boss Audio Systems 616uab Multimedia Car Stereo installed inside a car dashboard

Source: Amazon

Boss Audio 616UAB car stereo multimedia is one of the most affordable ways to add Bluetooth audio streaming to your dashboard. Don't let the low price fool you, as the 616UAB has a lot of features, including a USB port and an AUX jack right in front of it, which makes charging your phone and connecting other devices a breeze.

Boss Audio's single-in stereo also offers plenty of power, with the ability to output a total of 200 watts maximum - 50 watts per channel. If that wasn't enough, you could even attach your favorite amplifier, thanks to the audio outputs on the back of the unit.


  • Accessible price
  • Includes wireless remote control
  • Bluetooth, AUX and USB connectivity


  • It has no CD player
  • Small display without touch screen
  • Does not support CarPlay or Android Auto

Best Price

Boss Audio Systems 616uab Multimedia Car Stereo

BOSS Audio Systems 616UAB Multimedia Car Stereo

Accessible audio

For about the price of a Bluetooth adapter, you can add wireless convenience directly to your dashboard with Boss Audio 616UAB.

The best wireless experience: Pioneer AVH-W4500NEX Double Din Wireless Mirroring Android Car Auto, Apple Carplay In-Dash DVD / CD Car Stereo Receiver

Pioneer Avh W4500nex car stereo with CarPlay display

Source: Pioneer Electronics

While there are plenty of CarPlay and Android Auto audio systems available nowadays, very few aftermarket solutions work with the cordless feature. This is not the case with the Pioneer AVH-W4500NEX, as it puts all your apps and media content on your screen without taking your phone out of your pocket.

The AVH-W4500NEX offers a punch for your music, producing up to 50 watts for four channels and is expandable with three audio outputs. Other essentials include the ability to connect two spare cameras - a great addition to other cars, multiple USB ports and DVD and CD playback.


  • Large 6.94-inch touch screen
  • Play DVDs and CDs
  • Supports CarPlay wireless and Android Auto


  • Expensive
  • It has no physical volume control
  • Requires double space from the dash

The best wireless experience

Pioneer Avh W4500nex Car Stereo

Pioneer AVH-W4500NEX Double Din Wireless Mirroring Android Car Auto, Apple Carplay In-Dash DVD / CD Car Stereo Receiver

Complete wireless freedom

If you want maximum wireless comfort, the Pioneer AVH-W4500NEX offers CarPlay and Android Auto wirelessly.

Best small screen: Built-in JVC KD-X260BT Bluetooth

Jvc Kd X260bt Machine connected to a telephone

Source: JVCKENWOOD Corporation

Since our phones are the biggest difficulty when it comes to media playback, adhering to classic single-din stereo styles makes a lot of sense. The JVC KD-X260BT has a universal set of physical controls - including such a satisfactory volume knob and smaller display that won't distract you or your passengers.

Despite its classic look, the JVC stereo still allows you to stream songs from your phone via Bluetooth and you can use it to charge your device via USB. The KD-X260BT also delivers great sound, offering 22 watts of RMS and a peak of up to 50 watts with a built-in amplifier.


  • Low price
  • Lots of physical checks
  • Includes external microphone


  • Display without touch screen
  • USB port is not compatible with iPhone
  • Does not support CarPlay or Android Auto

The best small screen

Jvc Kd X260bt car stereo

Built-in JVC KD-X260BT Bluetooth

Be physical

If you prefer physical controls, but want the comfort of Bluetooth streaming and great sound, the JVC KD-X260BT is worth a look.

Best design: Sony XAV-AX8000 1DIN chassis 8.95-inch floating LCD screen

Sony Xav Ax8000 car stereo with Apple CarPlay display


If you dream of having a large screen touch screen in your car, but you are stuck with a small dashboard, the ultra-slick XAV-AX8000 from Sony is stereo for you. The Sony stereo has an adjustable, floating 8.95-inch screen that protrudes from the stereo base, allowing it to fit into the tight slot with one of the older cars.

The modern XAV-AX8000 display supports modern features such as CarPlay, Android Auto, Bluetooth streaming and rear camera support. The full screen display comes at a cost, as it does not support CD or DVD playback, and CarPlay and Android Auto require the phone to be connected to access simple commands.


  • Single-din floating design
  • Extended display with 8.95-inch touch screen
  • Supports CarPlay and Android Auto


  • Expensive
  • No CD or DVD player
  • Cable CarPlay and Android Auto only

The best design

Sony Xav Ax8000 car stereo

Sony XAV-AX8000 1DIN chassis 8.95-inch floating LCD screen

Large screen for small dashboards

Sony's XAV-AX8000 brings Bluetooth, CarPlay and more to the single-panel dashboards with a massive 8.95-inch touchscreen.

Atoto Sa102 Ys102sl Car Stereo used in the car

Source: Amazon

Although the 616UAB from Boss Audio is the best choice for our global value, the ATOTO SA102 comes in a very close second. ATOTO's Bluetooth-enabled car stereo has a seven-inch capacitive touchscreen and support for CarPlay and Android Auto at a fraction of the price of more prominent brands.

The SA102 also has a USB port, an SD card slot and AUX right in front, and an external microphone also comes in the box. The low cost has some disadvantages, however, because it does not have a CD slot, CarPlay and Android Auto require a cable and reach a maximum of 45 watts per channel, which is slightly lower than the others in this guide.


  • CarPlay at cheap prices
  • Front USB ports, SD card and AUX
  • Includes external microphone


  • Does not play CDs or DVDs
  • No CarPlay Wireless and Android Auto

The best value with touch screen

Atoto Sa102 Ys102sl Car Stereo

ATOTO in-Dash 2 From Digital Media Car Stereo

More for less

ATOTO's Bluetooth-compatible SA102 with a seven-inch screen is a cheap way to add CarPlay and Android Auto to your trip.

Bottom line

Whichever option you choose, the best Bluetooth car stereos allow you to travel on your next road trip without worrying about dongles or adapters. Bluetooth car stereos are not incredibly convenient; promotes safer habits, helping you keep your eyes on the road, as you can serve the pieces using your phone's voice assistant.

The JVC KW-V66BT is the best choice for its massive touch screen, Bluetooth wireless capabilities, CarPlay support and affordable price. With the full-screen design, the JVC KW-V66BT looks straight from the factory, instantly giving your car a modern upgrade, and with CarPlay, song control is fast and familiar thanks to Apple's minimalist interface.

Credits - The team that worked on this guide


Christopher Close he spends most of his time writing and dreaming about all things HomeKit for iMore. If you want to join him in his quest to automate everything, you can follow him on Twitter at @itschrisclose.

We may earn a purchase commission using our links. Find out more.

Level Touch Smart Lock Review TouchSource: Christopher Close / iMore

After the debut of Level's game-changing invisible smart lock a little over a year ago, it was hard to see where the company could go in a follow-up device. Naturally, one would assume that the next lock would be invisible as well, but Level threw everyone a curveball by introducing the Level Touch — a lock that you could see.

The switch to a visible smart lock doesn't mean that it looks the part, though, and the new design allows it to hide some remarkable features of its own, like NFC and touch controls. I have spent the past few weeks with the Level Touch in my home, and while it isn't as magical as Level's first lock, I will say that it is still one of the best HomeKit door locks that money can buy.

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Level Touch Smart Lock and iPhone app

Level Touch

Bottom line: The Level Touch offers a premium smart lock experience that goes above and beyond the keypad with touch, NFC, and HomeKit controls. Buttery-smooth operation and ultra-reliable connectivity put it near the top of the HomeKit smart lock list.

The Good

  • Easy installation
  • Sleek, minimal design
  • Responsive and reliable
  • Touch and NFC unlocking
  • Supports HomeKit

The Bad

  • Expensive
  • Accidental activations
  • Does not work with Alexa or Google Assistant

Level Touch review: Price and availability

Level Touch Smart Lock Review Components

Source: Christopher Close / iMore

The Level Touch smart lock is available in various finishes that allow it to match most existing door hardware. Finishes include Satin Nickel (this is the one I tested), Satin Chrome, Polished Brass, and a slick Matte Black. Availability is somewhat limited, with the lock only being currently available online through Amazon, Apple, and directly from Level's website. The lock also comes at a steep price of $329, making it one of the most expensive smart locks on the market today.

Level Touch review: Sleek and responsive

Level Touch Smart Lock Review Unboxing

Source: Christopher Close / iMore

The Level Touch features a clean, modern design that looks like your ordinary deadbolt from the outside. The lock consists of five major components that slot into one another during installation, all of which feel solid and premium in hand. The lock runs on a single Lithium 3-volt CR2 battery that should last up to one year with typical usage, and it rests neatly inside the actual deadbolt portion of the lock. The lengthy battery life comes courtesy of Bluetooth 5.0, which the lock uses to communicate directly to your iPhone and HomeKit.

Installation and setup of the Level Touch are rather straightforward and relatively easy, even for those who don't have experience swapping locks. The Level Home app guides you through every step of the installation process — from removing your existing lock to connecting the Level Touch to your iOS device, with clear, detailed explanations and helpful images, which is nice. Barring any significant modifications to your door, installing the Level Touch shouldn't take more than 30 minutes, with a screwdriver being the only tool required for the job.

Level Touch Smart Lock Review Installation

Source: Christopher Close / iMore

After installation, you can lock and unlock the Level Touch via a variety of different methods. As its name suggests, the Level Touch supports on-device touch control, which only requires placing a finger on the top portion of the lock to activate. I love how simple the touch feature is, as it is much more convenient than your average keypad — especially if your hands are full.

Another way to access the lock is wireless through NFC cards. Level includes two proprietary cards in the box, which are programmed using the native iOS NFC card scanning prompt in seconds. As someone who tries to carry as few items as possible when out and about, I love how the NFC card slots perfectly inside my wallet as a backup option to smart app controls.

I love how simple the touch feature is as it is much more convenient than your average keypad — especially if your hands are full.

Rounding out the physical ways you can use to enter the home, the Level Touch also works with physical keys. While I prefer to live the keyless lifestyle, I do like how two keys come with the lock, so I don't have to worry about losing access to my home if the batteries were to die while out.

Level Touch Smart Lock Review Level App Controls

Source: iMore

The Level Touch also features smart app controls through the Level Home app and Apple's Home app. Level's app is clean and easy to navigate with minimal screens and simple list views for settings. The app provides basics like one-tap controls for your lock, assigning access passes to guests with specific schedules, and enabling touch and NFC features.

I really like how the Level Home app puts all of your Level locks front and center after launching the app, so you never have to dig around to unlock your door. The app also puts recent events right on the home screen, which is rather handy since Apple's Home app lacks native logging. I also like how Level includes advanced features like adjusting the on-device sounds, lock calibration and how it gives you the ability to ratchet up the locks wireless range if you prefer responsiveness over battery life.

Level Home Ios App Icon

Level Home app

The Level Home app gives you access to all of the smart lock essentials: tap controls, assigning passes, and advanced settings to help you get the most out of the Level Touch.

Level Touch Smart Lock Review Homekit

Source: iMore

Moving over to HomeKit, the Level Touch supports all of the familiar Home app and Siri controls that come with Apple's smart home platform. Controls include the ability to lock and unlock your door with a tap and access its status using just your voice on-demand. The lock is also available for use in scenes and through automation with other HomeKit accessories.

I love the peace of mind that comes with having the Level Touch automatically lock every night as part of my home's goodnight scene and how it notifies me of any open and close events instantly. I also love how once you assign all of the NFC cards and access codes, you can pretty much forget about the Level Home app since the Home app can handle the majority of tasks — something that is important when it comes to choosing smart home tech for my home.

Level Touch Smart Lock Review Key

Source: Christopher Close / iMore

Regardless of which method I use to access the home, I am continuously impressed by how smooth and quiet the deadbolt during operation. Level's latest lock is buttery-smooth, offering an oddly satisfying experience for manual locking, and its motor doesn't sound like it is struggling as I hear with other locks. I never get the sense that the lock will jam or fail to operate with the Level Touch when I need it.

The same sense of security also extends to remote controls for the lock. The Level Touch is rock-solid when it comes to reliability, with it being available for commands through the Level Home app or HomeKit without any "No Response" issues — although your mileage may vary depending on Bluetooth range. Bluetooth in smart home tech is also known for being notoriously slow, but the Level Touch consistently responds within 3-5 seconds of commands which is plenty fast.

Level Touch review: Too easy, too inconsistent, too basic

Level Touch Smart Lock Review Nfc Card

Source: Christopher Close / iMore

As neat as having the power to control the lock with touch is, there are a couple of things that you may want to keep in mind before activating it. First and foremost, the touch feature requires three iOS-specific settings for it to work: Always-on location access, Precise Location, and Background Refresh. Those three settings will impact your phone's overall battery life, and they also introduce privacy risks. Still, depending on your situation, touch convenience may be worth the trade-offs.

Since the touch feature only requires a touch to lock and unlock your door, it also means that it is subject to accidental activations.

Since the touch feature only requires a touch to lock and unlock your door, it also means that it is subject to accidental activations. On more than one occasion, I saw the Level Touch lock when one of my children had busy hands and accidentally touched it while reaching for the doorknob. The good thing is that the touch controls only work when your phone is nearby, so it shouldn't lead to situations where someone gets locked of their home.

Level Touch Smart Lock Review Level App Settings

Source: iMore

Aside from touch, I also have a minor complaint about the NFC card functionality. Unlike controlling the lock via the Level app and HomeKit, accessing the home via NFC wasn't always consistent. Sometimes, using the card takes multiple attempts, even when placing it in the correct position (Level logo on the card above the keyhole). Plus, with no visual or audio indicators to report an error reading the card, you have to try until it works. With that said, though, it never took more than five or so tries during these bouts.

My final complaint with the Level Touch is with the Level Home app in general. As I mentioned in my review of the Level Bolt, the Level Home app is rather basic and lacks polish, bringing down the overall premium experience you get with the hardware. Also, I don't particularly appreciate that account registration is required to move past the first screen of the app, as there is no HomeKit-only mode that other vendors offer. Thankfully, you can bypass the Level Home app altogether by using the Home app, but you will have to use it to program the NFC cards and turn on the touch feature.

Level Touch: The competition

Schlage Sense keypad up close

Source: Christopher Close / iMore

It's no secret that the Level Touch has a ton of competition, and the best smart locks all feature unique hardware designs and compatibility with a wide variety of voice assistants. However, if you are looking for a HomeKit-enabled lock, then the list of available options shrinks dramatically. My current favorite HomeKit locks include the Schlage Sense Smart Deadbolt and Level's original smart lock, the Level Bolt.

The Schlage Sense Smart Deadbolt features two eye-catching designs, including a boxy modern variant that looks stunning from the outside. The stylish looks extends to a neat back-lit keypad that allows guests to enter the home simply by entering an access code, something that the Level Touch lacks. The keypad does come with a significant downside — the interior portion of the Schlage Sense is massive, so while it isn't an eye-sore outside, it is inside.

My favorite overall lock — the Level Bolt, takes an Apple-like approach to smart locks with an invisible design. The Level Bolt hides neatly inside of your door, allowing you to use your existing door hardware, which keeps your home's decor consistent and doesn't scream smart lock. The Level Bolt doesn't feature the handy touch controls or NFC card access as the Level Touch, but it still works with the Level app and HomeKit and is around $100 cheaper.

Level Touch: Should you buy it?

Level Touch Smart Lock front

Source: Christopher Close / iMore

You should buy this if ...

  • You want an easy to install smart lock
  • You want a smart lock that doesn't stand out
  • You want to control and monitor your smart lock through HomeKit

You shouldn't buy this if...

  • You do not want to spend more than $200 on a lock
  • You are looking for a lock with a keypad
  • You want to control your lock through Alexa or the Google Assistant

If you want an easy-to-install HomeKit-enabled smart lock that doesn't compromise your home's overall look, then the Level Touch should be at the top of your list. However, the smart technology comes at a price — quite literally, with the Level Touch retailing for over $300. The steep price tag, lack of a keypad, and alternative ecosystem integration make it hard to recommend to those looking for a convenient way to enter the home.

out of 5

Despite the high admission price, the Level Touch is undoubtedly one of the best HomeKit-enabled smart locks that you can buy today. The Level Touch offers a truly premium experience with touch and NFC card access, and with a discreet design, it doesn't stand out to everyone in the neighborhood.

Most importantly, though, the Level Touch is incredibly reliable and responsive, which isn't always a given despite how crucial smart locks are. While I still think that the invisible Level Bolt is the best HomeKit lock, I can easily say that the Level Touch is worthy of the number two spot.

Level Touch Smart Lock and iPhone app

Level Touch

Bottom line: While it isn't as magical as the invisible Level Bolt, the Level Touch still has a few tricks up its sleeve with slick touch controls and NFC card access. Combined with ultra-reliable performance, the Level Touch is easily one of the best HomeKit locks you can buy today.

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Smartmi on Thursday unveiled the latest smart air purifier, the P1 air purifier. The air purifier, which is available starting today, has advanced HEPA filtration technology and is compatible with all major smart home platforms - including the Apple HomeKit.

Smartmi P1 actively monitors and cleans the air around the house by trapping 99.97% of the particles that pass through its filter. Its powerful air purification technology can clean a 200 sq m space in 10 minutes. With an elegant and minimalist design in a compact setting, the P1 can be placed anywhere in the house and fits any home decor.

According to Smartmi, the HEPA filtration system of the P1 air purifier is three times more efficient than traditional filters and can clean an area of ​​200 square meters in just ten minutes. The P1 filter can capture particles up to 80 Nanos, and its dual on-board laser particle sensor detects PM2.5 contaminants as well as PM10 dimensions such as pollen. Smartmi offers two filtering options for P1 - one aimed at pollen and allergens and another adapted for odor control. Both filters require replacement every six to twelve months and start at $ 39.99.

Smartmi P1 is the first portable smart air purifier that works perfectly with all three major smart home ecosystems. Whether users use Alexa Amazon, Google Home or Apple HomeKit, the Smartmi P1 can easily communicate and work with all the latest smart home technologies. Users can communicate with their preferred voice assistant to receive real-time alerts on air quality and remotely control P1 from the comfort of their couch.

Smartmi P1 connects to home networks via Wi-Fi with commands available through the Smartmi Link app on iOS and Android. Through the application, users can access real-time air quality measurements, view historical data, remotely control fan speed, set timers, and create programs.

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While the best Wi-Fi smart air purifiers are available in all shapes and sizes with the assistance of Alexa and Google Home, the P1 is only the third of its kind available in North America that works with HomeKit. Compared to the VOCOlinc PureFlow smart air purifier and Molekule Air Mini +, the P1 offers the same Siri controls for voice and home applications, air quality alerts and automation capabilities, for much less, starting at $ 199.

Smartmi P1 will be available from today on Amazon in two finishes - silver and dark gray. If you're interested in picking one for your home, Smartmi offers a 30% discount to celebrate the launch, so be sure to use the code SMARTMI30 during payment to Amazon (valid until 23.04.21).

Smart, efficient and affordable

Smartmi P1 Silver air purifier

Smartmi P1 air purifier

Works with HomeKit, Alexa and Google Home.

The Smartmi P1 air purifier keeps the air in your home clean with advanced HEPA filtration technology capable of cleaning an area of ​​200 square meters in just 10 minutes. HomeKit, Alexa, and Google Home support make it easy to manage with applications or voice commands.

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Yubikey 5C Nano security key inserted in a MacbookSource: Yubico

The best
Security keys

Two-factor authentication is a must these days, but the most popular method of account security - texting, is not bad enough. With just a call to your phone carrier and a little social engineering, your two-factor codes are vulnerable to interception, so if you really want to lock your accounts, you need the best security keys. Security keys must be present when you sign in to your accounts - making sure you, and only you, can sign in. YubiKey 5 NFC, offers USB convenience for the best MacBook, as well as NFC for iPhone 12, making it our top choice. If you're ready to add an extra layer of protection to your accounts, these are the best security keys you can buy today.

The best general: Yubico - YubiKey 5 NFC

Yubikey 5 NFC is introduced in a laptop

Source: Yubico

YubiKey 5 NFC Yubico is a multifunctional multifunctional security solution that can go with you on your travels with a compact design and an integrated keychain loop. This versatile key has a universal USB-A connector so you can connect it to your computer, plus NFC allows wireless connectivity with the latest iOS and Android phones. Having both options ensures that you always have a way to access your services, no matter what device you are on.

Like other Yubico security keys, the YubiKey 5 NFC supports a wide range of protocols such as FIDO U2F, FIDO2, OpenPGP and OATH-TOTP, making it one of the most compatible keys around. Multi-protocol support means that YubiKey 5 NFC works with the most popular applications and services, including Dropbox, Outlook, 1Password, Gmail and Facebook, with minimal configuration right from the start.


  • Multi-protocol support
  • USB-A and NFC connectivity
  • Works with phones, computers and tablets
  • Integrated keychain loop


  • USB-A only
  • No Bluetooth option

The best general

Yubikey 5 NFC

Yubico - YubiKey 5 NFC

Best for most

YubiKey 5 NFC Yubico offers universal USB-A authentication for computers and NFC for modern phones.

Best Price: FIDO U2F security key, Thetis

Thetis Fido U2f security key inserted in a laptop

Source: Amazon

The Thetis FIDO U2F security key makes you enter the hardware game with two factors at an affordable price, suitable for your wallet. As the name suggests, this key is FIDO U2F certified, allowing two-factor support for websites such as Facebook, Dropbox and Google. In addition, it works with Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome operating systems. However, unlike Yubico's security keys, it does not accept email clients and is limited to the U2F protocol only.

Despite the low price, the Thetis FIDO U2F security key has a durable aluminum frame, which protects you in two factors from everyday events, such as drops and swelling. The USB-A port is also kept safe, with a unique rotating design that removes it when not in use, and the key can live on the keychain with the integrated loop.


  • Accessible
  • USB-A compatibility
  • Foldable design with keychain loop


  • USB-A connection only
  • Does not support mobile devices
  • Does not work with email clients

Best Price

Thetis Fido U2f security key

FIDO U2F security key, Thetis

Accessible authentication

With an affordable price and a foldable design, the Thetis FIDO U2F security key is an excellent choice for backup authentication.

Best for mobile: Yubico YubiKey 5Ci

Yubikey 5ci security key next to a laptop and iPhone

Source: YubiKey

If you are still an older iPhone or Android phone, but want to lock your accounts with a two-factor hardware solution, then YubiKey 5Ci is for you. This unique security key has a dual USB-C connector design on it. one end and an iOS-compatible Lightning connector on the other, putting authentication just a simple tap and touch.

Because the YubiKey 5Ci is for mobile, it has a keychain loop for convenient storage and you don't have to worry about still managing a battery with its plug-in design. This key also supports all the latest protocols that allow on-the-go access for social media, email, and more.


  • Works with iOS and Android phones
  • Lighting and USB-C connectors
  • Integrated keychain loop


  • Expensive
  • It has no wireless connectivity

Best for mobile

Yubikey 5ci security key

Yubico YubiKey 5Ci

Compatible with Android and iOS

YubiKey 5Ci plays nicely with most Android and iOS phones and tablets, thanks to the dual USB-C and Lightning connectors.

Best for Windows desktops: Kensington VeriMark Desktop USB fingerprint key reader

Kensington Verimark Desktop Fingerprint Key used on the desktop

Source: Kensington

The VeriMark Desktop Kensington USB fingerprint reader takes a different approach to two-factor authentication, with a combination of a stationary, desktop-compatible design and biometric security. This key supports up to 10 different fingerprints, putting another level of protection on your accounts and is so secure that it is certified for use in government institutions.

Along with FIDO U2F and FIDO2 compatibility, the Kensington VeriMark Desktop security key is Windows Hello certified, so you (and your colleagues) can connect to your computer without having to enter a long password. The only downside? Kensington's security key no more works with Windows 7 PCs and later - does not support macOS or Chrome OS here.


  • It supports ten fingerprints
  • Convenient desktop design
  • Windows Hello Certificate


  • Expensive
  • Does not support macOS
  • It is not portable

Best for Windows desktops

Kensington Verimark Desktop Fingerprint Key

Kensington VeriMark Desktop USB fingerprint key reader


Perfect for the desktop, Kensington VeriMark has biometric authentication and Windows Hello certification.

Best compatibility: Google Titan Bluetooth security key

Google Titan Bluetooth security key, among other security keys

Source: Android Central

The Titan Bluetooth security key works with computers, tablets and phones via Bluetooth, NFC or a classic micro-USB connection. Although it comes from Google, the Titan security key is not limited to Google services, as it supports the open FIDO U2F standard, so you can use it to authenticate with a number of services and applications.

For moving authentication, the Titan security key has an integrated rechargeable battery and attaches to keychains with the on-board loop. The Google key is also surprisingly affordable, but it may not be the most durable with its plastic frame and is a little bulkier than the competition.


  • Low price
  • Designed by Google
  • Supports Bluetooth, NFC and USB


  • Plastic frame
  • Micro-USB connection

The best compatibility

Google Titan Bluetooth security key

Google Titan Bluetooth security key

Log in wirelessly

Google's Bluetooth Titan security key lets you log in on iOS and Android without codes - and wires.

Best for laptops: Yubico - YubiKey 5C Nano

Yubikey 5c Nano security key inserted in a laptop

Source: Yubico

Yubico's Yubikey 5C Nano takes miniaturization to the extreme with an incredibly small module that doesn't look out of place when attached to modern laptops via USB-C. The smaller footprint is as capable as the larger YubiKeys, as it supports all the same standards, including FIDO U2F and FIDO2, and still requires a touch for authentication.

The 5C Nano is also as robust and durable as other water safety, handling and crushing resistance keys. The only thing the 5C lacks is wireless connectivity, which prevents iPhones from joining hardware security entertainment because it uses USB-C.


  • Incredibly small
  • Waterproof
  • Works with Windows, macOS, Chrome OS and Linux


  • Expensive
  • No wireless option

Best for laptops

Yubikey 5c Nano

Yubico - YubiKey 5C Nano

Elegant and safe

Keep your accounts safe without compromising your laptop's smart design with Yubico's small Nano security key.

Bottom line

Nothing goes beyond the existence of a physical security key in conjunction with two-factor authentication when it comes to securing accounts. By connecting critical services, such as your email account, with the best security keys, you can reassure yourself that you're the only one who can access them - as opposed to SMS codes that are subject to social engineering attacks via mobile operators.

YubiKey 5 NFC from Yubico is our choice for the best security key for most, with its ability to work with a wide range of devices and a slick form factor. YubiKey 5 NFC has both a standard USB-A connector, which makes it compatible with computers of all ages - and with NFC wireless technology, you can connect to your accounts on the best iPhone just by having it close. The YubiKey 5 NFC is also incredibly compact and lightweight, making it easy to keep on you at all times, as you can slip it directly onto your keychain.

Credits - The team that worked on this guide


Christopher Close he spends most of his time writing and dreaming about all things HomeKit for iMore. If you want to join him in his quest to automate everything, you can follow him on Twitter at @itschrisclose.

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meross announced on Tuesday the launch of two new HomeKit accessories - an updated smart outdoor plug and a new remote control set with adjustment switch. The latest accessories, which are now available on Amazon, have 2.4gHz Wi-Fi connectivity without a hub and support controls for Home applications, scenes, automation and Siri voice commands.

  • IP44 waterproof case, ideal for both indoor / outdoor use.
  • Turn on / off each socket individually with the Meross application.
  • Works with Apple HomeKit, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and SmartThings.
  • Create start / stop programs or auto-stop timers to operate automatically.
  • It works with the 2.4G Wi-Fi you already have. No hub required.

The refurbished Meross Outdoor Smart plug has a total of three independently controllable sockets, compared to two found in our top choice for the best HomeKit smart outdoor sockets. The outdoor plug supports electrical loads of up to 10 amps, ideal for outdoor decoration as well as holiday and landscape lighting.

the new meross socket also has IP 44 weather resistance, with an operating temperature range of 14-104 degrees, suitable for year-round use in most areas. In addition to the HomeKit, the external plug works with Alexa Amazon, Google Assistant and the Meross app - available on iOS and Android.

VPN offers: lifetime license for $ 16, monthly plans for $ 1 and more

As the name suggests, the new MSS565 Smart Wi-Fi Dimmer and remote kit are now placed in a handy remote control alongside one of the best HomeKit dimmer switches on the market. The addition of the two-button remote control allows owners to wirelessly create a three-way lighting switch using a unipolar adjustment switch.

  • Replace the unipolar adjustable switch. It is not compatible with a 3-way switch.
  • Turn the unipolar adjustable switch to the 3-way adjustable switch with the remote device.
  • Reduce the INC, CFL, and LED bulbs to suit different scenes.
  • Works with Apple HomeKit, Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and SmartThings.
  • Control your lights anytime anywhere with the Meross app.
  • Create start / stop schedules or auto-stop timers to operate automatically.
  • Easy to install and configure. No additional hub is required.
  • A neutral wire (white wire) is required. Works only with 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi.

The new remote control brackets on the wall, either with standard hardware or with adhesive tapes, include a pair of faces that give it a clean and integrated look. The wireless remote control works on a single CR2032 coin-operated battery and also works as a table or portable option.

The latest meross HomeKit accessories are available for purchase now through Amazon. The smart outdoor connector retails for $ 34.99, and the variation set ranges from $ 35.99. Like previous versions of meross accessories, the company is celebrating the launch by offering a pair of coupons on Amazon that can reduce 25% of the price of the Outdoor Smart Plug and $ 10 from the dimmer switch.

Three in one

Meross Outdoor Smart Plug Three sockets

Meross Smart Smart Plug

Hey Siri - Turn on the holiday lights!

The latest Meross smart outdoor plug has three independently controlled outlets and IP44 weather resistance, so you can manage outdoor décor and more throughout the year.

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Eve Systems has announced the release of a new firmware update that brings Thread network technology to the company's Eve Aqua Smart Water Controller. The launch is the second in a series of updates that Eve Systems intends to introduce, which will bring the Thread network to its entire HomeKit product line.

With Thread enabled, users can enjoy a wide range when a Thread device with router functions such as Eve Energy is placed between Eve Aqua and a HomePod Mini. Being a Full Thread device, Eve Energy transmits the data packets of other Thread accessories and improves the stability and coverage of the smart home.

Starting today, owners of the second generation Eve Aqua Smart Water Controller can download the update for free through the Eve for HomeKit app. The second generation Eve Aqua began delivering for the first time in the summer of 2020 and can be identified by the following model numbers:

Eve For Homekit App Thread Network Overview

Source: Eve Systems

According to Eve Systems, compared to Bluetooth connectivity, the Thread network offers faster response times, greater reliability and increased autonomy. Eve also supports Thread as "resilient to the future" because it is a component of the Connected Home over IP (CHIP) project, which aims to build a unified connectivity protocol for the smart home and is supported by Apple, Google and Amazon.

VPN offers: lifetime license for $ 16, monthly plans for $ 1 and more

To take advantage of the capabilities of Eve Aqua's Thread, a mini HomePod - which acts as a border router, must be present in the house. After installing the firmware update, Eve Aqua will automatically switch to Thread in the background without further steps by the user. Users can confirm that Eve Aqua is using Thread through the Eve for HomeKit app, which provides a breakdown of the connection quality and routes of all active Thread devices in the house.

Eve Aqua, our top choice for the best HomeKit sprinkler controllers, is an effortless way to add smart controls to sprinklers, irrigation systems and more by attaching directly to a standard outdoor water faucet. Through the HomeKit application and the Eve for HomeKit application, users can water on demand, create custom watering programs, set default running times, monitor usage, and activate a child lock to prevent accidental button presses.

Eve Aqua Smart Water Controller is available at various outlets such as Amazon, Best Buy and Apple, at a retail price of $ 99.95. Versions compatible with Eve Energy Smart Plug, Eve Weather Temperature Sensor, Eve Flare Portable Light, and Eve Motion Sensor are also scheduled for launch throughout 2021. Additional information on Eve wire launch can be found by visiting .


Eve Aqua hose valve controller on a white background

Eve Aqua

Hey Siri - water the flowers!

Eve's Aqua smart water controller makes watering your lawn or garden a breeze with programming, application controls and Siri voice commands.

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