Experience Tado Bridge with HomeKit

Cupertino, December 14, 2019

I use more than a year 11 Tado thermostat valves in my house and using the Tado app works just fine, but with HomeKit it's a different story: after some time (days / weeks) the radiator valves have a & # 39; No Answer & # 39; message (not 100% sure of the translation & # 39; Not responding & # 39; my language is Dutch).

Really annoying because HomeKit was the reason for choosing Tado. All my HomeKit equipment works without problems (quite a lot, even two Tado AC controllers). Currently I do not use the HomeKit feature on the bridge anymore an installed HomeBridge on a Raspberry Pi.

** Am I the only one having trouble using Tado Bridge with HomeKit? **

My conclusion is: ** Tado can't figure out how to create a stable HomeKit deployment in Tado Bridge and does not deserve the & # 39; HomeKit & # 39; brand for Apple **

Some details:

Reply from Tado support (tried my best to translate from Dutch)

* Reset HomeKit (already done 10 times and then I need to reconfigure my 11 valves in HomeKit)
* Something goes wrong with your router (don't know what my router has to do with this)
* Something causes the Tado Bridge to not communicate with the TV (I think communication with HomeKit is initiated by the client)
* Contact UniFi (my router provider)
* We often see problems with consumer + quality networks; users with normal D-link / tp-link router have a working system
* (And contrary to the previous comment) You are currently the only one with a HomeKit issue.
* * My Favorite *: Apple is a & # 39; black box & # 39; for us. When something goes wrong, we can do nothing but advise to completely reset all Apple-related products

& # X200B;

My situation:

HomeKit servers:

& # X200B;

* 5 tinted bridges (in total about 80 bulbs / 10 sensors / 10 remote controls)
* 2 Kogeek switches
* 4 Eve shifts
* 1 Tado Bridge (11 radiator valves)
* 2 Tado Airco remote controls

HomeKit clients (accounts are all links to the same)

& # X200B;

* 2 Apple TV's
* 6 iPhones
* 4 MacBooks
* 2 iPads

My network is made with:

& # X200B;

* Some & # 39; simple & # 39; switches
* 5 UniFi AC Pro
* 1 UniFi Secure Gateway

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