How automations work with shortcuts in iOS 13 beta 1

Cupertino, July 15, 2019

** Note **: As this is beta 1, it is very likely that it will change. But here's how it works in beta 1 anyway.
I also made some edits for this post, as I realized some things from the comments;)

On the Automation tab in the Home app, only Home automations are specified.

They can be triggered by the current 5 options - arrive / leave home, time, accessories, sensor. They run at Home Hub so they are for everyone in the home.

In the new automation tab in the shortcuts the app is the personal automation (to automatically run your own shortcuts on your own device) and home automation both listed under subheadings. The home automation settings here are exactly the same as the Automation tab in the home page.
(Personal is blue and home is orange)

Personalized automations can be triggered by some new features that are local to the device;

* Events - time, alarm, start training with Apple Watch
* Travel - arrive / leave a place before leaving work or at home by prediction, connect to CarPlay
* Settings - Flight mode, connect to certain WiFi / Bluetooth, Low power mode, Do not disturb, press NFC tag, open some apps

So they do not run if the unit is off. (It does not matter to them, as they are automatically personal to the device and depends on which device is used - except for the timer, but it can be ensured that it always runs by setting it with a home automation rather than personal automation) .

After selecting a personal automation trigger, you can then make a shortcut to run with it. You can use these new personal automation triggers with HomeKit because of the new HomeKit action & # 39; Set State of Home & # 39; shortcuts. This action only brings up the same screen as the one in the Home App automation to select scenes and select device status (previously you could only select scenes on shortcuts).

For home automation (on either app or shortcuts app) after selecting a trigger, show the screen where you can select scenes and select device stands as it does in iOS 12. But at the bottom of this screen there is a new one & # 39; Advanced & # 39; possibility that also allows you to make a shortcut to run with home automation. Due to the new HomeKit action & # 39; Get State of Home & # 39; In shortcuts, you can add the long-awaited IF statements with states / details of any device. The IF action here is also configured to be used only with HomeKit device states. Then you will use the & # 39; Set State of Home & # 39; in the IF statement.

~ ~ Note: The shortcuts to both personal and home automation are just the usual with all types of actions. ~ ~
** EDIT: ** Just realized that the shortcuts in
Home automation is limited to actions that are only used for Scripting, and does not include actions to run anything on the device you created it. This is because they run on the domestic market so that they appear to everyone in the home and can run at any time.
(See this comment thread for further details) = IOS_APP & amp; amp; amp; amp; utm_name = ios_share_flow_optimization & amp; amp; amp; amp; utm_term = control_2). Personal automations are only for running shortcuts on your device, so it includes all the usual actions. As u / mehgcap pointed out, this means that different home users can have their own scenes / automations through shortcuts on their own device.

And & # 39; Set State & # 39; and & # 39; Get State & # 39; of Home, there are also other new shortcuts related to HomeKit for use in personal autonations:
* & # 39; Set Playback Destination & # 39; - You can automatically play audio over Airplay 2 source. But it looks like the new ability to automate AirPlay 2 speakers in Home Automations. (though none of this works for me yet)
* Apple TV actions - play / pause, sleep, wake up, open selected app, show remote control. When the remote control is open, you can change the volume of the TV with the side volume buttons on the unit. Currently, the only mode you can automate is in playback / pause in the usual Home Automation screen. But you can now use Siri to sleep / wake Apple TV, so these other options that the shortcut actions allow will probably also be added to the home page.


Home automations (same thing on App app and shortcuts app)
* * TRIGGER * - same 5 automation triggers
* * RUN * - same screen to select scenes and device modes as in iOS 12 + NEW & # 39; advanced & # 39; possibility to include a shortcut

Personalized automations (app shortcuts - to automatically run your own shortcuts)
* * TRIGGER * - NEW personal device triggers
* * Run * - Run a shortcut on your device

Shortcuts made in Home automations are limited to scripting and include no actions to run anything on your device. That's because they run at Home Hub at any time and are shown to everyone in the home.
Personal automation includes all the usual shortcut actions.

There are 2 new HomeKit actions
1) Set state set scenes and devices (produce the same screen of options in the Home app automations)
2) Get state - get status and details of units (can make IF statements).

So in general, the most important new things are:
- New triggers to run shortcuts (called personal automation). Trigger based on your personal device - can use these with HomeKit because you can now set Home scenes and device state shortcuts (Set State action). So more users can have their own scenes / automations.

- Run home automation shortcuts - then you can use unit state IF statements (Get State action and IF action)

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