I made an iDevices nightlight show smart lock status. It was harder than it should have been.

Cupertino, July 16, 2019

Since we now have a smart switch in the kitchen, I thought I would take advantage of its small little LED and give the visible members of the family a gift. When all the smart locks are locked, the light is green and when one of them is unlocked, it is red. Simple, not?

I started in the app Eve. I ran into my first annoyance when I found out that I couldn't just add a lock as a trigger and choose two statuses. I had to add each lock twice, once for locked and once for unlocked, giving me four triggers. Not terrible. Could be easier, but not bad.

I then added the green light conditions. This was simple as I wanted both conditions to be true, so need a logical "and". Eva does this by default and says "all conditions must be met".

I would then make the red light one. This meant rebuilding all of my triggers because there is no way to duplicate an automation. Finally, I realized that Eve would fail me. The light must be red if each lock is unlocked, meaning a logical "or". So away to Home3 I went.

In Home3, I was able to add two conditions and choose my operation. However, I still couldn't duplicate an automation.

In both apps it is not possible to select the color of the light on the stage with VoiceOver. Eva shows some unmarked buttons, while Home3 shows sliders for temperature, brightness and hue. I have no idea what temperature or shade is. Nowhere does it say anything about choosing a color, except for a random button that said "light blue" when I turned it on and then never changed.

Basically, to change the color of light based on door lock, I needed two apps and a lot of extra steps. And let me not choose the color of the light using VoiceOver. I just feel that all this should be much easier.

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