Icon Have Podcast Episode 13: A Head in the Clouds

Cupertino, July 16, 2019

Its that time again ... this time we take a deep dive into the cloud just in time for everything to change at WWDC! In the HomeKit Chronicles, Jake begins to consider moving a HomeKit setup to a new home and we offer a moment of silence for Nest as it currently exists. We hope you enjoy and welcome everyone and everyone's feedback!

### Section 13: A Head in the Clouds
### Cloud goes up, the cloud goes down.

For our thirteenth regular show, we take a look at the highlights of the two horrific news and start with all good podcasts, with news from the EU launching an Apple / Spotify probe, BMW continues to make CarPlay wrong and we gives our last chance WWDC predictions for the record. In HomeKit Chronicles, Jake is considering the process of moving HomeKit stuff when his house goes to market and we have a moment of silence for Nest. In our main subject, we dig into every thing cloud ... storage, synchronization, backup (or lack of ...), and Dan trying to sell Jake at the virtues of Synology.

### View Notes:

* (EU starts Apple / Spotify Probe) (https: //9to5mac.com/2019/05/05/apple-music-eu-probe/)
* (BMW CarPlay Silliness) (https: //9to5mac.com/2019/05/09/bmw-carplay-outage/)
* (WWDC 2019) (https://developer.apple.com/wwdc19/)
* (RIP Nest) (https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2019/05/nest-the-company-died-at-google-io-2019/)
* (Dropbox free tier limits) (https://www.macrumors.com/2019/03/14/dropbox-free-storage-plan-three-devices/)
* (Dropbox) (https://www.dropbox.com)
* (iCloud Drive) (https://www.imore.com/how-set-icloud-drive-iphone-or-ipad)
* (OneDrive) (https://onedrive.live.com/about/en-us/)
* (Synology NAS) (https://www.synology.com/en-us)
* (QNAP NAS) (https://www.qnap.com/en-us/)
* (CrashPlan Consumer Death) (https://www.theverge.com/2017/8/22/16184430/crashplan-home-shutting-down)
* (FreeNas) (https://freenas.org)
* (Xpenology) (https://xpenology.org)
* (macOS Server) (https://www.apple.com/macos/server/)

### Follow us:

Our show is edited by Nathan Mace (antiwraith at Ars). Our theme song is composed of the wonderful Space Vixen that you can find on twitter (@cat_cornett) (https://mobile.twitter.com/Cat_Cornett) and their music on (spacevixen.bandcamp.com) (http: // spacevixen.bandcamp.com).

You can find Dan on Twitter (@kefkafloyd) (https://mobile.twitter.com/kefkafloyd). Because of his better judgment, Jake is now on twitter (@jakepugh) (https://mobile.twitter.com/jakepugh). You can leave feedback on tweeting (@icongardenshow) (https://mobile.twitter.com/icongardenshow) or posting on the Garden Garden icon on the Mac Ach forum by going to (http://bit.ly/tigsthread) (http : //bit.ly/tigsthread). You can subscribe to our show on your chosen podcast platform or visit our website at (icongardenshow.com) (www.icongardenshow.com).

### Next time in the garden:
WWDC Special Presentation!

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