HomeKit projects to pass the time during social distancing

Cupertino, March 27, 2020

We are all crazy about being trapped in our homes during the COVID-19 pandemic, but you can make good use of time if you want to work on configuring HomeKit. Since almost every extracurricular activity has been canceled, spend this time going home to work for through the Apple HomeKit platform. Here are some fun projects that can help you get through the time, along with being fun to install.

HomeKit weekly is a series focused on smart home accessories, tips and tricks for automation and everything to do with Apple's smart home frame.

Automates doors

Of all the HomeKit items I own, August Smart Lock Pro is at the top of my list of favorite products. As I wrote in my review, I initially avoided smart locks because I was worried that the installation process would be difficult and time consuming.

August Smart Lock can be installed in less than twenty minutes, works perfectly with HomeKit and is a game changer for everyday simplicity. My wife and I like not to worry about finding our keys to unlock the door.

Install a new security system

the iota lives

I got a call from my old security company earlier this week who wants to test my system, because they haven't received a signal for some time. Despite emailing, they haven't deactivated my account yet. I had a home security system a few months ago and it's amazing how much easier it is to use than my previous one.

However, HomeKit compatibility takes it to a new level. Because all accessories are exposed to HomeKit, you can create triggers based on different parts of the home system. Some of the things I do is turn on the lights in my backyard when the back door is open and turn on a few lamps in the morning, when the home motion sensor detects movement after 5:00. If you were looking for a single HomeKit project to solve, I would recommend it because you will see a lot of benefits besides the extra security for your home.

Create new automations

One of the essential benefits of HomeKit compatibility is not just the simplicity of using a single application to manage your home, but rather the way you can integrate products from different providers together. For me, I like to be able to automate lighting based on the use of motion sensors.

I use my Netatamo camera to trigger lamps in our upstairs bonus room. If you stop motion detection, the lights go out. Another idea might be to trigger a specific lighting configuration if the August Door Lock is unlocked (at the end of the work day) or to create a bedtime routine for 10:00 pm that darkens your lights, activates your security system and lowers your doors garage. If you use some nice automation, I'd love to hear them.

Create a movie experience

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I recently started to use Hue lights only on the usual LED bulbs with a HomeKit switch, and one of the benefits I find is the ability to dim them to a certain percentage through HomeKit. With Hue, there are several products you could configure to create a "movie experience." You can use Hue Play to create a background behind the TV or use this starter kit to create the perfect movie-watching mood.

Configure a HomeKit router

HomeKit Router

eero has just launched the first HomeKit router recently, so a wonderful project, while locked at home, receives the additional security configured. As we reported, when it was first launched, you may need to remove and re-add many of your devices to take advantage of the new features. Unfortunately, this will take time. Fortunately, many of us have more time on our hands that we have had for some time. Here are the three levels of security:

Here are the three levels of security offered by Apple for accessories associated with HomeKit routers:

  1. Collapse at home: Safest. Your accessory can only interact with HomeKit through Apple devices. The accessory will not connect to the Internet or any local device, so any third-party services, such as firmware updates, may be blocked.
  2. Automatic: default security. Your accessory can communicate with HomeKit and the connections recommended by its manufacturer.
  3. Unrestricted: At least safe. This setting bypasses the secure router and allows your accessory to interact with any device on your network or Internet-based service.

Update your HomeKit firmware

If you have removed the firmware update for many HomeKit devices, take the time to download the manufacturer's applications and make sure all your devices are on the latest firmware. Not only will updating the firmware benefit you from a security perspective, but it may even fix some long-lasting errors you have had.

HomeKit project completion

These projects are just a few of the recommendations I made and I would love to hear about our readers using HomeKit in their homes. Leave a comment below to let us know about your unique use cases with HomeKit.

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