HomeKit Weekly: WELOVE unveils the first air purifier compatible with Matter technology

Cupertino, April 23, 2024

Air purifiers are great products to have in your home to ensure the air is clean. If you have them in HomeKit, they're even better. There are several HomeKit-compatible air purifiers on the market right now, but WELOVE (part of the AiDot family) has just released the first Matter-compatible air purifier so you can add it to the smart home platform of your choice. HomeKit Weekly is a series focused on smart home accessories, automation tips and tricks, and everything related to Apple's smart home framework.

Unpacking and Setting Up the P200 Pro

Before you get started, there is one thing you need to do that I struggled with during installation and setup. Wi-Fi is disabled by default. To turn it on, press and hold the power button for three seconds until you see the Wi-Fi icon flashing on the display. I didn't take the time to read the instructions, which cost me 15 minutes of troubleshooting.

I first used the AiDot iPhone app to connect to the device and check for firmware updates. The AiDot app has several excellent features, and it's worth having if you have the product. Before you set everything up in the app, you'll want to unpack it. It comes pre-assembled and all you have to do is remove the plastic cover from the filter. You can unscrew the cap at the bottom of the device. Otherwise, it's a matter of (pun intended) pulling it out of the box and plugging it in.

One thing to note is that I had a pre-release copy of this product; therefore, it was not fully compatible with HomeKit/Matter at the time. It could be added to HomeKit, but I got an error saying it wasn't compatible. I was told this has been fixed in the release version.

Features of the WELOVE P200

One of the unique features of the WELOVE P200 air purifier is the Apple Health integration. Based on our research from AiDot, most air purifiers are mainly used at night, especially by people who are highly allergic or by children who prefer these devices near their bed because of white noise. The WELOV P200 Pro air purifier has sleep mode, which synchronizes with Apple Health. This mode intuitively adjusts the air purifier's settings to match individual sleep patterns. The included air filter is highly effective at capturing common airborne pollutants and allergens, making short work of smoke and unwanted gases. To purposefully meet the needs of pet owners, the Pet Care Filter features a 3-stage H13 HEPA system built to combat pet dander, hair, pollen, odors and other allergens specific to pet environments. The Toxin Absorber Filter is a good solution for those who are mainly concerned with indoor air quality. It is enriched with activated carbon, making it an option against toxins, wildfire smoke, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and various gaseous pollutants.

Wrap up

There's a lot to like here in the WELOVE P200. It supports matter. It supports Siri shortcuts. It supports Apple Health. It does it all in a very stylish casing too. I love this product category because I know it supports my family's air quality. Within HomeKit, you can create numerous automations and scenes to use additional HomeKit sensors to turn them on automatically. The WELOVE P200 can be purchased from Amazon. FTC: We use monetized auto-affiliate links. More.

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